Thursday, December 15, 2011

Mom's getting tense again

They didn't hire anyone to be the manager at Mom's branch. She is very upset at this. There is a rumor that they aren't hiring from within because those people would be too "laid back." Mom almost went off the deep end and one of her coworkers DID go off to the looney bin because of the last manager was a tyrant. What are those administrators trying to do to my Mom? Last time she laid in bed for three days which is great for cuddling but very upsetting because all she did was cry and watch Top Gear. She's also under stress because now they have a new interim manager who isn't around at all. Somehow mom is just supposed to know how to do all that manager stuff and remember to do things like turn in timesheets when she's never done timesheets before. The double job is very stressful on her and it's the holiday season. Someone please give her a hug and I'll cuddle and purr as much as I can.