Thursday, December 18, 2008

Mom speaks on a sad subject

Hi all! Lily's mom here. We had a tragedy in our house last night. Lily's little sister Karma had to be put to sleep. I got home and she was dragging her back legs in pain. We took Karma to the vet, but she was sinking fast so we made the decision to put her out of her misery. Karma was also a black cat I found in the parking lot about five years ago while I was a reporter for the Herald Newspaper. I had come back from taking pictures at a 4th of July parade in Garden Ridge (they have one every year) to find a black kitten hiding in the shade of the pot all the smokers used for their cigarette butts. It was about 98 degrees outside and she was hunkering down in the only bit of shade around. Karma was so skinny so I took her inside our office and fed her some of our office cats' (Miss Kitty) food. She curled up in my lap and started purring. Now I didn't want ANOTHER black cat (I already had Lily) but Karma melted my heart (and suckered me like all kittens do). So I took Karma home and she became a part of our family. Karma was a little more wild than the others. She hated being picked up, but liked to sit on laps. She would try to play with Lily by backing her into a corner and clawing at her. They never did get along. About two or three years after she came to us, Karma suddenly started peeing on everything. I think she was mad when we left the cats in care of our neighbor for a week to go to California. So Karma was banished to our back enclosed patio at night and outside during the day. She remained affectionate as ever and I spent many afternoons petting her while sitting in an old chair. I just have to be happy that I took her in and that we had a chance to love her.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry you lost your companion, Lily. My condolences to you and your owner.