Tuesday, December 23, 2008
The Bookmobile See it NOW
One of my mom's friends has this fab movie on YouTube called The Bookmobile. I know I may be biased, but I think they did a great job. I think David should win an Oscar or something for his wonderful portrayal of a madman. Go here to see!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Mom speaks on a sad subject
Hi all! Lily's mom here. We had a tragedy in our house last night. Lily's little sister Karma had to be put to sleep. I got home and she was dragging her back legs in pain. We took Karma to the vet, but she was sinking fast so we made the decision to put her out of her misery. Karma was also a black cat I found in the parking lot about five years ago while I was a reporter for the Herald Newspaper. I had come back from taking pictures at a 4th of July parade in Garden Ridge (they have one every year) to find a black kitten hiding in the shade of the pot all the smokers used for their cigarette butts. It was about 98 degrees outside and she was hunkering down in the only bit of shade around. Karma was so skinny so I took her inside our office and fed her some of our office cats' (Miss Kitty) food. She curled up in my lap and started purring. Now I didn't want ANOTHER black cat (I already had Lily) but Karma melted my heart (and suckered me like all kittens do). So I took Karma home and she became a part of our family. Karma was a little more wild than the others. She hated being picked up, but liked to sit on laps. She would try to play with Lily by backing her into a corner and clawing at her. They never did get along. About two or three years after she came to us, Karma suddenly started peeing on everything. I think she was mad when we left the cats in care of our neighbor for a week to go to California. So Karma was banished to our back enclosed patio at night and outside during the day. She remained affectionate as ever and I spent many afternoons petting her while sitting in an old chair. I just have to be happy that I took her in and that we had a chance to love her.
Friday, December 12, 2008
I don't have time for your pathetic human wiki because I am much too busy on my own wiki's like Black Cats United. We plan ways to refute the claim that we are unlucky. I'd ask you to join, but you don't have enough fur. My mom also uses a wiki all the time for one of her committees. Wiki's are very useful for exchanging information kind of like the old school message board only better.
I really can't say enough about that Google presentation maker. How great you can access something like that if you can't afford a copy of Microsoft Office. Does Bill Gates know about this?!
I really can't say enough about that Google presentation maker. How great you can access something like that if you can't afford a copy of Microsoft Office. Does Bill Gates know about this?!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Pirate Christmas?!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Web/Library 2.0
Fancy psuedo-high tech name for old concept. New technology. Love it, hate it, face it new stuff isn't going away so you may as well embrace it......or don't. The car is still here, the telly is still here and so the computer is here to stay until we can plug in directly to our brains and control everything with our thoughts. Maybe not in our lifetimes (certainly not mine, being a cat) but our children or grandchildren. Although we are still waiting for that hovercar. I am not in favor of technology just for the sake of it. I am not going to use technology I don't need. My mom wouldn't have made a myspace for her branch had it not been for the simple reality that she could not update a page on the SAPL site. That is the real beauty of technology, you need a Web site to advertise something and voila! you can have one today. AND you can update it every hour if you wish with a few clicks. Mom can remember when people paid hundreds of dollars for Web site development and now it's free to anyone who can borrow a computer.
Here's one problem I see. Online is great for some things, but not everyone is online. Even my friend who works at MICROSOFT doesn't have a home computer! So as far as the library is concerned, I think we need a good Web presence, but we need to balance that with other forms of advertising to reach our audience. We also need to watch that we don't alienate anyone with our site by making everything too cool for older computers to deal with.
The library should embrace change and technology, but look at what kinds will really enhance our services like computers to download media onto ipods, mp3 and other media players in-house. Computer classes to teach patrons how to use our Web services like Ebsco etc. Even mini-classes on how to use our catalog to find items seems very useful to me. You'd need a real live person for these classes in case of questions but you could also do videos online to walk patrons through the catalog.
I do love technology and all the fun things it can do, but I also love technology for all the useful things it can do.
Here's one problem I see. Online is great for some things, but not everyone is online. Even my friend who works at MICROSOFT doesn't have a home computer! So as far as the library is concerned, I think we need a good Web presence, but we need to balance that with other forms of advertising to reach our audience. We also need to watch that we don't alienate anyone with our site by making everything too cool for older computers to deal with.
The library should embrace change and technology, but look at what kinds will really enhance our services like computers to download media onto ipods, mp3 and other media players in-house. Computer classes to teach patrons how to use our Web services like Ebsco etc. Even mini-classes on how to use our catalog to find items seems very useful to me. You'd need a real live person for these classes in case of questions but you could also do videos online to walk patrons through the catalog.
I do love technology and all the fun things it can do, but I also love technology for all the useful things it can do.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Trying to catch up
Look people, I'm a busy cat. I got food to eat, sisters to harrass and humans to love. I don't have time for superfluous stuff. Sadly my mom works at the busiest branch in town and doesn't have time for lots of things like tagging blogs or bookmarking with delicious. We only use the technology we actually need. I guess if you work at a really slow branch (yes, I'm talking to you Landa) or have A LOT of free time, you may find tools like delicious or technorati useful and may actually want to tag or label your posts. Also, technology I find unamusing (not hilarious) or difficult to use (re. flikr), I just won't go any further with it. Either give me something indispensible or make me laugh people!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
LOVE Good Reads!
I just wish Mom didn't have so many books to add to her shelf. I'd better get an extra can of wet food for this!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Okay, I know my Mom is a librarian and Yeah! Information! But the RSS feeds, IMHO, are for people with ooodles of free time, no hobbies or no televisions. I have set up ONE RSS feed on my google reader, The Annoyed Librarian because during my exploration of the RSS assignment, that one looked amusing. And, I know you know, I can't stand Flickr, but also, I am sorry to say, I really dislike RSS Feeds. I've been in the trap before of signing up for a bunch of feeds that seem interesting, and then getting a pile of news delivered each day to "my door". It's like someone backed up a truck of every daily newspaper in the world and delivered it all on the front lawn in a ginormous pile of TOO MUCH INFORMATION. I really don't want all you readers to think I hate everything technology related. That's not true. I love technology. I just love technology that is useful to me personally and doesn't clutter up my life.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Crazy Halloween
Halloween certainly kicked off with some craziness. Maggie and I were dead asleep next to Mom when the house alarm went off early Friday morning. Mom and Dad freaked out and leaped out of bed. The phone rang and it was the alarm people. Being 1:45 a.m. Dad couldn't think of the exact password but Mom told him it was one of two passwords so he told that to the alarm people..."It's either this or that." Then he hung up after finding out it was the fire alarm and relaying to Brinks that there was no fire or smoke. While he was trying to turn off the beeping disabled fire alarm, Mom's cell phone rings and in the distance a siren is coming closer and closer to the house. It was really killing my ears so I ran around the house with Maggie. Mom answers the phone and tells the alarm people the same password as Dad but they keep asking "which one?" She doesn't know which one because it's almost two a.m. in the freakin' morning and we've all been woken up out of a deep sleep. Then she asks if they sent the fire dept. and they say "yes". Mom asks them "why, we told you there wasn't any fire" and the alarm people said it was because Dad didn't know the exact password he only said one of the passwords, the secondary one. So the fire department arrives with lights flashing and these giant firemen with all their gear on tromp into the house and look around for the fire while Mom and Dad stand around nearly in their underwear. Maggie and I hide under the bed because those guys sure are big. After the firemen leave Mom asks Dad, "Did the alarm people think someone broke into our house at 2 a.m., set a fire, then answer the phone when Brinks calls and tells them the secondary password just for fun?! I mean, who does that? Why couldn't they just accept the secondary password? Who could think of anything at 2 a.m. with a loud alarm blaring. After finally getting the primary password out of the alarm people and figuring out how to turn off the beeping which involved crawling into the top of a closet and moving a heavy wardrobe, Mom and Dad went to bed. Maggie and I were freaked out for awhile (I'm telling you those firemen were REALLY BIG with VERY LARGE BOOTS), but we curled up with our humans and went back to sleep.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Mom speaks
Hi There! Lily's Mom here and I decided I want to blog about the "anything technology related" for week 3 or is it 4? Anyway. I am taking this online class to learn how to do forms in html (like fill in name or check a box kind of things). I've been doing well so far in this class on forms until we reached this week. We're using Javascript to give people alerts if they don't fill the forms out right. Well that is bloody DIFFICULT! If anyone knows of a good Javascript book out there that they could recommend feel free to leave Lily a comment and she'll get back to me. I'd ask Lily to help but she does everything with Dreamweaver.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
No really, Flickr SUCKS
Okay, I tried to follow this week's flickr task but it was too complex. I couldn't even do the
"OPTION 2. If you're up to an easy challenge ... create a Free account in Flickr and use a digital camera to capture a few pictures from your life. Upload these to your Flickr account and tag at least one of the images "SAPLL2" and mark it public. Then create a post in your blog about your photo and experience. Be sure to include the image in your post. Once you have a Flickr account, you have two options for doing this: through Flickr's blogging tool or using Blogger's photo upload feature. "
I'll just stick with Photobucket. You can just send photos to blogger with a click of a button or cut and paste code with one step. There's no "setting up groups or setting up blog whatevers. So I'm not doing it. I mean I've got grooming to do and eating. A busy cat like me just doesn't have time for all this. Sheesh, when am I supposed to catch a nap?!
"OPTION 2. If you're up to an easy challenge ... create a Free account in Flickr and use a digital camera to capture a few pictures from your life. Upload these to your Flickr account and tag at least one of the images "SAPLL2" and mark it public. Then create a post in your blog about your photo and experience. Be sure to include the image in your post. Once you have a Flickr account, you have two options for doing this: through Flickr's blogging tool or using Blogger's photo upload feature. "
I'll just stick with Photobucket. You can just send photos to blogger with a click of a button or cut and paste code with one step. There's no "setting up groups or setting up blog whatevers. So I'm not doing it. I mean I've got grooming to do and eating. A busy cat like me just doesn't have time for all this. Sheesh, when am I supposed to catch a nap?!
Friday, October 17, 2008
My new favorite blog
I love the blog where they judge a book by its cover. www.judgeabook.blogspot.com It's pretty funny. I do think it would be wrong to judge cans by the cover. I mean what if the can had a picture of a fish or a delicious chicken and then inside it was just fake meat....you know that tofu stuff my mom eats. Ick! Now that's just wrong!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
7 and 1/2 lifelong learning
The obvious one for me that's easiest is play. I love playing. My human (Mom) who is a librarian loves playing too. She turns learning into playing all the time. She learns to play instruments she doesn't know or learns how to code html. Right now mom's officially learning html and xhtml through an online class so she can re-design her Celtic group's Web site. Most of the time she just brings home a pile of books and starts coding by trial and error. Mom told me she is kind of scared to attend classes because there is so much about html, cascading style sheets and xhtml she doesn't feel like she knows, but I think if the teacher's nice she'll get it.
The most difficult is mentoring others. I mean, I try to teach my sister Maggie how to do fun things but she just attacks me so I get mad and chase her around and claw her head until she yowls! Ha! Mom's the same way. She gets impatient sometimes when people are just not getting it. She is working on becoming more patient. She never seems to claw anyone's head though, which, if you're a human, is probably a good thing.
The most difficult is mentoring others. I mean, I try to teach my sister Maggie how to do fun things but she just attacks me so I get mad and chase her around and claw her head until she yowls! Ha! Mom's the same way. She gets impatient sometimes when people are just not getting it. She is working on becoming more patient. She never seems to claw anyone's head though, which, if you're a human, is probably a good thing.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Flickr's for Chumps
Look at this great scrapbook picture I made with Photobucket! I tried Flickr like some of my human's co-workers suggested but it angered and confused me. I like Photobucket much more. Try it yourself! I still don't get what a mash up is on Flickr. PHOTOBUCKET RULES!!!!!!!!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
My sister Maggie

My older sister Maggie thinks she's so smart. This morning I was trying to get the attention of my humans, but she was all purring and cuddling. I thought they were going to forget to feed me! I managed to get the attention of my owners by bringing them a toy to throw and then bringing it back, but they only could play for awhile and then they had to go to someplace called work. That's the library....right? Here is a picture of Maggie showing off. For some reason she LIKES to be thrown up in the air!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
crazy co-workers
Apparently my owner works with some crazy people. And here's proof of that:
She still thinks that's Hondo singing, but I've never met the guy so I can't tell.
She still thinks that's Hondo singing, but I've never met the guy so I can't tell.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
My stupid human, who happens to be a librarian with your........library is too lazy to participate in this so called library 2.0 thing. Since she says all I do is lay/ lie....whatever....around the house all day, she's making me do all the work. I don't see why she couldn't get that goodie two shoes Maggie to do it. It's not like SHE has anything better to do.
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